Barwood Taxi offers personal and corporate charge accounts for customers who use taxis at least once a week. There is an administrative fee of 6% charged to the total amount of your invoice. We provide online billing services at no charge and email or mail invoices twice per week. By opening a Barwood charge account you will have access to WebCharge where you can download your detailed invoices and voucher images at no additional cost. For your protection, we suspend accounts that do not have activity in 90 days. You may request that we reopen the account by submitting the form below. You will not be billed the administrative fee if you do not have any activity. We do not charge any fees to reopen accounts. Accounts may be suspended for non-payment. You may request a specific password to be placed on your account to prevent unauthorized activity. You can also provide an email address to be placed on your account so that you receive confirmation emails at the time orders are placed.

If you would like additional information, please complete the form below. Please allow 2-3 business to process your request.


Barwood Taxi Charge Account


(301) 984-1900